Saturday, September 17, 2011

Family Field Trip

So, I sent Jeff a link to activities for kids this weekend in the DC area -- and Jeff picked (with my help, I must admit) Brookfield Gardens. Located in Montgomery County, they had their kids day today and it was the last weekend of the butterfly exhibit. The kids day was completely free and had so much to do for kids -- face painting, crafts, potting a plant, kids farm market, etc. It was great! The butterfly exhibit was not free, but it was worth it. Hundreds (maybe more) butterflies flying all around was a priceless learning experience for the kids.

And of course, the long morning/afternoon wasn't complete without a late lunch at McDonalds. This is the first time we actually ate INSIDE w/the kids -- can you tell that I am pretty much over my fear of kid germ infested places? I think after the third kid you kind of just throw in the towel and focus on the matter at hand...survival!

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