Monday, August 29, 2011

icky germs!

It all started with the kids' well check-ups a few weeks ago. A few days later I came down with a horrible migraine and then my first fever in five years (seriously!). It was a high one too -- 103.5. Ugh! It resulted in a trip to the ER because I was really dehydrated. A bag of fluids was the answer. Finally my fever broke.

Then a week later (the day we left from the farm -- thank goodness!) Colin started having icky stuff coming from his eye. Turns out it wasn't an eye infection -- just a really bad ear infection. A few days later Caroline complained of her ear hurting with the same stuff in her eye. A trip to the "sick clinic" at the ped's office confirmed it was indeed an ear infection. Then that night I came down with a horrible cold. So, yes, I spent the day of "Irene" on the couch feeling horrible w/another fever! The fever thankfully broke on Sunday morning, but I'm still feeling very blah with my ears and throat still hurting a good deal.

I officially dislike the pediatricians office.

So -- let's pray that this is it for the Meunier house. Last year we fared really well! Just a couple colds here and there (oh, and a bout of roseola!) -- nothing like this! In fact, last year we didn't even visit the ped's office one time for a sick visit! We've now been twice in three weeks.

I don't like being sick...ugh!

1 comment:

  1. Erin, I'm sorry to hear it, that sounds awful! We're extra bummed cause it meant we couldn't see you, but hopefully we can reschedule soon.
