Friday, July 8, 2011

Too many "cows" at the library

OK - not sure how I'm going to make this blog entry title work, but I'm going to try!

The week started off slow as we were just back from our mini vacation, we were off schedule, and we stayed up late on Monday to watch the fabulous fireworks. So, on Tuesday we ventured off to the library in search of some of Cecelia's books for her summer reading assignments.

Now, we are frequent library goers, and to say it was a little out of the ordinary would be an understatement. I have never seen so many people at the library (it was only a half hour after it opened that day). So many kids! So little books -- seriously! So many of the books were taken -- I've never seen the shelves that empty. We even ran into a few people we knew and we NEVER see anyone we know at the library. It is apparently the new summer social scene of the stay at home moms and their "bored" children -- haha!

To make matters worse we couldn't find a single one of Cecelia's books off her list (there were at least 20 that we looked for!). Ugh! Did I mention that a girl "stole" a book off the shelf when I was about to get it??? Yes, a little five year old took a book that I claimed was mine and refused to give it back. Being a mother of a five year old myself I didn't push it -- I smiled at her mom and moved on. It was only by sheer luck (or maybe God's grace?) that I spotted one at the circulation desk on our way out -- go figure! I snagged a copy and we were on our way out of that crazy place! The other books I reserved and hopefully will be available soon.

Then today we were surrounded by kids dressed as "cows" at our local chic-fil-a for cow appreciation day. We all dressed up as cows (including our neighbor next door) and each received a free meal at chic-fil-a. Yes, Rebecca, when you called telling me about cow apprecation day we were actually at chic-fil-a dressed in our makeshift costumes! haha The restaurant was packed full, there were people directing traffic, and "smart" me decided to try the drive-thru. Thankfully they just peaked in the car, saw we were all dressed up (noticed the cow ears on our heads and not the hideous white trashbags) and gave us free lunch! Woohoo! I LOVE their lemonade!

So -- cows=kids per my blog title. OK -- it's late, that's my excuse.

OK - enough babbling for one night. It's late and I better get off to bed before my little "cows" wake up in 8 hours.

It then starts all over again ;) I'm sooo missing that breakfast by the river at the Hyatt right about now.

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