Saturday, July 30, 2011

The fruits, vegetables, and herbs...of my labor!

So, my plants are producing many o' goodies for us Meuniers to enjoy this summer. The cherry tomato plants have produced over a pint of tomatoes (so far) and probably another pint in a few days. The peppers were small, but tasty, and the green beans will provide a few servings for dinner someday soon. I've used the parsley and basil a great deal as always -- I've grown them almost every summer since we've been married. All in all, I'm not sure I "recouped" the money spent on my container garden, but it's been fun, and enjoyable to say the least to see all this food grow from tiny seeds that I planted way back before spring! Plus it was all organic (soil, seeds, etc.) Will I do this next year? Not so sure. I actually might create a garden on the side of our yard, but I still have a few months to "hash" that out (I can see eyes rolling!). I must admit I tend to forget to water the plants and rush out to water them when they look sad and "thirsty." I know...I know...

Here is a picture of some pizza we made tonight with toppings (peppers, tomatoes, and basil) from our container garden.

By the way, in the spirit of the summer season - I have found my favorite lemonade! 365 brand (not from concentrate) lemonade -- from Whole Foods of course! Yum!!!

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