Sunday, June 12, 2011

Why I like Cailliou..

A friend recently told me that she couldn't stand to have her kids watch Calliou -- something about an annoying voice and some other things I cannot remember. For those of you without kids, Cailliou is a show on Sprout (a network for young kids) and about a boy in preschool, his family, and all his adventures.

I happen to like Cailliou for one main reason -- it shows life through the eyes of a four year old. Sometimes we need to look at life that way -- full of adventure and love of family. He spends time playing with his friends, discovering new things with his grand parents and just has some plain old fun -- a somewhat stress free life! It reminds me at least that it doesn't hurt to stop and (OK - here comes the cliche) smell the roses every once and awhile...and to...

enjoy friendships...

let loose and just dance...

celebrate the fun things in life (McDonald's picnic after school!)...

and to enjoy family!


  1. wow, they've all gotten so big!! These are some really cute pictures of them!
